Jan 5, 2023 | Databases for further research
Crecer en España. La integración de los hijos de inmigrantes (Growing up in Spain. The integration of the children of immigrants) Rosa Aparicio, Alejandro Portes. Fundación la Caixa...
Jan 5, 2023 | Databases for further research
Benessere mentale degli immigrati Mirsky, J., Slonim-Nevo, V., & Rubinstein, L. (2007). Psychological Wellness and Distress among Recent Immigrants: A Four-year Longitudinal Study in Israel and Germany. International Migration, 45(1), 151–175....
Jan 5, 2023 | Databases for further research
Immigrant mental well-being and Immigrant parent-child relationship: * Mirsky, J., Slonim-Nevo, V., & Rubinstein, L. (2007). Psychological Wellness and Distress among Recent Immigrants: A Four-year Longitudinal Study in Israel and Germany. International Migration,...
Dec 30, 2022 | Intellectual Output No.2:Open Platform for Parents Living abroad- Keep in Touch
1. Sources/Articles Immigrant mental well-being and Immigrant parent-child relationship: * Mirsky, J., Slonim-Nevo, V., & Rubinstein, L. (2007). Psychological Wellness and Distress among Recent Immigrants: A Four-year Longitudinal Study in Israel and Germany....
Dec 30, 2022 | Intellectual Output No.2:Open Platform for Parents Living abroad- Keep in Touch
Cyprus FDW in Cyprus It is challenging for a migrant to maintain self-respect and self-appreciation when various political or cultural structures fail to recognize the worth of the “Other”. The notion of the “Other” has been prolonged analyzed in the field of...
Sep 28, 2022 | Intellectual Output No.2:Open Platform for Parents Living abroad- Keep in Touch
We have useful tools and recommendations for migrant parents in order to facilitate and to support better communication with their...
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