- Associating the project and the theme of transnational family communication through parental education with projects and activities for social inclusion and cultural integration of migrants.
- Introducing the issue of distant parenting within the programs of organizations that work with migrants.
- Creating a flexible model of family roles for transnational families → using the exchange of culturally determined models from the host-country.
- Integrating the caretakers in the new family order
- Elaborating general guidelines for a holistic family communication → covering a complete area of subjects: health, education, social activities, positive and negative emotions/experiences, family relations.
- Empowering parents as educators.
- Guaranteeing access to technological/digital tools for children living in rural areas.
- Covering specific topics through a professional approach for sensible cases – risk situations, special emotional/behavioural situations.
- Covering professional psychological support for participating parents.
- Identifying / Creating a database of local transnational families. (very weak/absent at the level of partner countries)
- Building a bridge between parental education and labour-protection policies → Helping migrant parents understand the legal framework for a legal, correct and sustainable work experience abroad.
- Involving local schools representatives in the process of communication between parents and children.
- Increased capacity-building opportunities for public institutions and NGOs.
- Involving local councils, legal structures (social services) in the parental education initiative.
- Attracting and actively involving local actors (school workers, social services specialists).
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