1. Sources/Articles

Immigrant mental well-being and Immigrant parent-child relationship: * Mirsky, J., Slonim-Nevo, V., & Rubinstein, L. (2007). Psychological Wellness and Distress among Recent Immigrants: A Four-year Longitudinal Study in Israel and Germany. International Migration, 45(1), 151–175. doi:10.1111/j.1468- 2435.2007.00399.x The study involves families (parents and adolescents) from the former Soviet Union who immigrated to Israel and Germany. […]

2. Fonti/Database

Benessere mentale degli immigrati Mirsky, J., Slonim-Nevo, V., & Rubinstein, L. (2007). Psychological Wellness and Distress among Recent Immigrants: A Four-year Longitudinal Study in Israel and Germany. International Migration, 45(1), 151–175. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2007.00399.x Chowdhury Nashit, Naidu Jessica, Chowdhury Mohammad Z. I., Vaska Marcus, Rumana Nahid, Lasker Mohammad Ali Ashraf, Turin Tanvir C. (2021) Knowledge translation in […]

3. Fonti/Database

Crecer en España. La integración de los hijos de inmigrantes (Growing up in Spain. The integration of the children of immigrants) Rosa Aparicio, Alejandro Portes. Fundación la Caixa https://fundacionlacaixa.org/documents/10280/240906/vol38_es.pdf/1a8a03c9-e39a-4853-b15b-bb856989e7d4 Elina Turjanmaa, Inga Jasisnskaja (2020). A comparative study of parental knowledge and adaptation of immigrant youth. Comparative migration studies 8. Article 47 https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-020-00207-z Minhui Zhou, Rachel […]

4. Sources/Database

Immigrant mental well-being Mirsky, J., Slonim-Nevo, V., & Rubinstein, L. (2007). Psychological Wellness and Distress among Recent Immigrants: A Four-year Longitudinal Study in Israel and Germany. International Migration, 45(1), 151–175. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2007.00399.x Chowdhury Nashit, Naidu Jessica, Chowdhury Mohammad Z. I., Vaska Marcus, Rumana Nahid, Lasker Mohammad Ali Ashraf, Turin Tanvir C. (2021) Knowledge translation in health […]

5. Sources/Database

Crecer en España. La integración de los hijos de inmigrantes (Growing up in Spain. The integration of the children of immigrants) Rosa Aparicio, Alejandro Portes. Fundación la Caixa https://fundacionlacaixa.org/documents/10280/240906/vol38_es.pdf/1a8a03c9-e39a-4853-b15b-bb856989e7d4 Elina Turjanmaa, Inga Jasisnskaja (2020). A comparative study of parental knowledge and adaptation of immigrant youth. Comparative migration studies 8. Article 47 https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-020-00207-z Minhui Zhou, Rachel […]