
FDW in Cyprus

It is challenging for a migrant to maintain self-respect and self-appreciation when various political or cultural structures fail to recognize the worth of the “Other”. The notion of the “Other” has been prolonged analyzed in the field of sociology, with Edward Said using this terminology in 1978, to explain how the “ideal” West depicts and […]

Children’s needs and parental support

The systematic review from Fellmeth et al. (2018) in The Lancet[1] included 111 previous studies on the effects that forced or labor migration had on the children left behind. The majority of studies concerned the left-behind children in rural China with results finding that although families benefit economically from remittances left back home, the health […]


The mental well-being of left-behind children

During the last few years, the number of people fleeing their home countries has continued to grow. They make one of the most difficult decisions in their lives: to leave their homes in search of a safer, better life. There are many reasons why people worldwide seek to rebuild their lives in different countries. Some […]

Intercultural awareness

Children’s separation from their family is part of the immigration process worldwide as millions of children are left behind by their parents who migrate to find a job and seek a better future for their offspring in terms of education, health and housing. Even though transnational family life most commonly aims to family reunification or […]


Transnational families from Sub-saharan Africa

Transnational families have been defined as families «that live some or most of the time separated from each other, yet hold together and create something that can be seen as a feeling of collective welfare and unity, i.e. ‘familyhood’, even across national borders». In this frame of reference, the concept of care becomes highly relevant. […]

The “Italy Syndrome”

It’s called the “Italy Syndrome”: it’s the umbrella term used to refer to a set of symptoms and clinical signs of sometimes debilitating psychological suffering and mental health issues, ranging from depression, anxiety, insomnia and lack of appetite, to hallucinations and obsessive or paranoid behaviour, to suicidal ideations and attempts. The term first emerged in […]


Responsibility, emotion, and education

When people emigrate for work or for other reasons, the groups most likely to be left behind are children, women, and the elderly. If, on the one hand, emigration for work is usually seen as economically benefiting the family members who are left behind, because they will benefit from the income of the family members […]

Digital Literacy and Adaptation

In Portugal, given the changes that derive from the ongoing digitization process, which clearly marks the current reality, the government aims to increase the percentage of digital literacy from 53% to 80% within ten years. The phenomenon of emigration is still very present in the Portuguese reality. Low wages and the cost of living make […]


Situation of immigrant mothers that arrives to Spain

Spain receives hundreds of immigrants, many of whom are women. They come from all over the world, but mainly from Africa and Asia. They arrive with their families in search of new opportunities. Many of these come from cultures where the husband is the one who works and the wife stays at home doing housework […]

Be born in Spain as a child of an immigrant

Hundreds of immigrants arrive in Spain every year looking for a better future. As a result, they settle in our country and build families. These people have been raised with their own culture and moving to a new country can be complicated due to the adaptation as many researches show. Nevertheless, this first generation will […]